Thursday, October 31 / 8:00 AM - 9:45 AM Dockside 5

Session 11
Public Health from Venereal Disease to Covid

Discussant: Nancy Tatarek, Ohio University

1. Tuberculosis, Trust, and Patient Trends: Canadian Maritime Sanatoria Patient Trends in Annual ReportsCourtney Mrazek, Mount Allison University.

2. “‘Suspended at the Brink of Death’: Encephalitis Lethargica and Public Health, 1916-1931.”Simone Caron, Wake Forest University .

3. Affective Lockdown: Administrative Chaos and Informal Repairing in the Local Enactment of Immobility in Urban ChinaYan Long, University of California, Berkeley; Wei Luo, Stanford University.

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 Other sessions on Health, Medicine and Body