Friday, November 1 /
1:45 PM - 3:30 PM
Session 111 Inequality and Segregation in US Cities
Chair: Katherine Thomas, NYU
Tracking the Community Displaced for the Senate Office Building: Public Use, Citizenship, and the Rising Scale of Segregation •
Carolyn Swope, Columbia University.
New York City’s Public and Private Welfare Systems at the Turn of the 19th Century and 1900 100% Census Data •
Kurt Schlichting, Fairfield University.
Measuring Two Centuries of Housing Affordability in New York City •
Jason Barr, Rutgers University - Newark; Ronan Lyons, Trinity College Dublin; Rowena Gray, University of California Merced.
"Scattered to the Four Winds"
A Look at the Spatial Assimilation of Immigrant Irish, Germans, Jews, and Italians into New Jersey Suburbs •
Myles D Zhang, University of Michigan: College of Architecture / Urban Planning.
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