Friday, November 1 /
1:45 PM - 3:30 PM
Session 114 Organizing the Professions
Chair: Gregory Wood, Frostburg State University
Occupational Licensing, Immigrant Location Choice, and Labor Market Outcomes:
Evidence from Refugee Physicians to U.S. States in the 1930s •
Kihwan Bae, West Virginia University; Edward Timmons, West Virginia University.
The Limits of the Law: The Rise and Collapse of the Hospital Unionization Wave of
the 1970s •
Pablo Gaston, University of Michigan.
The Effect of a Woman-Friendly Occupation on Employment: U.S. Postmasters Before World War II •
Sophie Li, Boston University.
Worker Insurgency, Civil Rights and the Emergence of Public-Sector Unionism: The Growth of AFSCME in Cleveland, Cincinnati, and Detroit, 1960–1970 •
Joseph van der Naald, CUNY Graduate Center.
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