Thursday, October 31 / 8:00 AM - 9:45 AM
1. Portuguese-Dutch Protection Costs in Sixteenth-Century Maritime Trade • Gijs Dreijer, Leiden University; Rodrigo Dominguez, The University of Utah.
2. Reinventing Borderlands: Central European Coal in the Late 19th Century • Aleksandra Dul, University of Cambridge.
3. Marriage between Warfare and Religion? State capacity and cults of personality in the late medieval and early modern period Northern Europe • Jari Eloranta, University of Helsinki; Henri Aaltonen, University of Helsinki; Jyrki Knuutila, University of Helsinki.
4. Saint-Simonianism and the Problem of Late Development: Exploring the Political Economy of Michel Chevalier • Teddy Paikin, McGill University.
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