Friday, November 1 / 3:45 PM - 5:30 PM Dockside 3

Session 121
Power Dynamics: Patriarchy, Slaveholding, and Class Struggles

Chair: Evan Roberts, University of Minnesota
Discussant: Jonas Helgertz, University of Minnesota/Lund University

1. Comparing Eurasian Family Patriarchy Across Space and Time: Prospects and ChallengesMikolaj Szoltysek, The Cardinal Wyszynski University of Warsaw; Rafal Mista, University of Warsaw; Bartosz Ogórek, Institute of History, Polish Academy of Sciences.

2. Spatial Patterns of Slaveholding and the Demographic Characteristics of Slaveholders on the Eve of the American Civil War: Evidence from New IPUMS Census DatasetsJ. David Hacker, University of Minnesota; Brayden Rothe, University of Minnesota.

3. Never Forget the Struggle over Class: An Introduction to the China Rural Revolution Dataset – SiqingMatthew Noellert, Hitotsubashi University.

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 Other sessions on Family Demography