Friday, November 1 / 3:45 PM - 5:30 PM

Session 121
The Color Behind Collars: Race and Labor

Chair: Joseph O Jewell, University of Illinois-Chicago

1. How an Intersectional Coalition was Needed to Weaken a Segregated Railroad Division of Labor, 1971-1985.Michael Calderon-Zaks, University of California, San Diego.

2. Racialized Business Practices: Comparing the Building Efforts of Black and White Fraternal Orders at the Turn of the Twentieth CenturyPamela Popielarz, University of Illinois at Chicago.

3. The Legacy of Indentured Labour: Long-Term Effects on Demography, Economy, and Society in Fiji and MalaysiaAnna Tegunimataka, Lund University; Tobias Axelsson, Lund University.

4. The Social Organization of Inequality: Race, Resources and Ruling Relations in 20th Century BermudaAndrea Dean, Western University.

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 Other sessions on Race and Ethnicity