Saturday, November 2 / 8:00 AM - 9:45 AM Richmond

Session 131
Legal Mobilization in Historical Perspective

Chair: Willa Sachs, Yale University
Discussant: Willa Sachs, Yale University

1. Women’s Legal Agency: Framing Strategies in Sexual Harassment Litigation in the 1970s and 1980sHolly McCammon, Vanderbilt University.

2. The 70-year History of School Desegregation in KansasMarisela Martinez-Cola, Morehouse College.

3. Pragmatism or Idealism in Social Movement Strategy: A Late 19th Century Debate that Shaped American Racial Segregation and the Legal Landscape of the Civil Rights MovementLuna Vincent, Northwestern University.

4. An Essential Ingredient: Revolutionary Constitutionalism in the Constitution of DemocracyBen Manski, George Mason University.

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 Other sessions on Crime, Justice and the Law