Saturday, November 2 /
8:00 AM - 9:45 AM
Session 140 Global Histories and Data: Building Maps & Linking Data Across Time and Place
Chair: Louise Walker, Northeastern University
Discussant: Louise Walker, Northeastern University
The Blueprint for Modernity Database. Making Sense of Different Levels of Structure in the Engineering Profession, 1870-1930 •
Ted Beatty, University of Notre Dame; Israel Garcia Solares, Colegio de Mexico.
Examining the Shifting Settlement Geography of California’s Native Peoples •
Steven Hackel, University of California, Riverside; Erik Steiner, University of Oregon; Mary Casey, University of California, Riverside.
Atlas.Mx: Developing Common Practices and Sharing Data to Map Mexico •
Juliette Levy, UC Riverside; Casdey Lurtz, Johns Hopkins University; Michael Bess, Centra de investigacion y Docencia Economica.
The Economic Geography of the Guarani-Mission Urban System in Colonial Spanish America •
Caterina Pizzigoni, Columbia University; Gergely Baics, Barnard College.
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