Saturday, November 2 / 10:00 AM - 11:45 AM

Session 146
Class, Colonialism, and Empire in US History

Chair: Robert Lieberman, Johns Hopkins University
Discussant: Robert Lieberman, Johns Hopkins University

1. The Fiftieth State: Rethinking Hawai?i’s Path to IncorporationMaye Henning, University of Portland.

2. State Formation in the Massachusetts Bay Colony: The Participatory Foundations of Church and Civil GovernmentCan Mert Kökerer, The University of Chicago.

3. Capitalism, Debt Imprisonment, and the Early American StateJames Parisot, University of Texas, Rio Grande Valley.

4. Patronage Politics in the Early American Republic: The Case of New YorkBenjamin Rohr, University of Mannheim.

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 Other sessions on States and Society