Saturday, November 2 /
10:00 AM - 11:45 AM
Session 149 Scientific Innovation and Development: Whence and Whither the State?
Chair: Paola Castano, University of Exeter
Symbolic Power, Climate Change, and the Politics of Event Attribution Science •
Zeke Baker, Sonoma State University.
Problem Solvers or Professional Scholars? State-Sociologist Relationships and the Professionalization of Chinese Sociology, 1979-2000 •
Yunpeng Chen, University of California, San Diego.
From Quality, Not Quantity to Quality, as Quantity: Making the ‘Care Economy’ Valuable •
Zachary Griffen, NYU.
Social Foundation of Non-Western Innovation: Making Covid Vaccines in China and Russia •
Hsu Huang, Brown University.
Closing the “Domestic Intelligence Gap”: US Senator Walter Mondale's Proposal for a National
Council of Social Advisers and the “Uneasy Partnership” between Social Science and the Federal Government •
Mark Solovey, University of Toronto.
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