Saturday, November 2 / 1:15 PM - 3:00 PM Queens Quay 1

Session 157
Sources and Social Networks

Chair: Ryotaro Takahashi, Tokai University

1. It Matters Who You Can Talk With: Conversational Networks and Activists’ Group Division in China’s Democracy Wall Movement, 1978-1981Qindian Chen, University of California, Irvine.

2. The Political Entanglement of Professional Associations in Post-Handover Hong KongPamela Tsui, University of Toronto; Ottica Chong, University of Toronto; Sida Liu, The University of Hong Kong.

3. Expanding Rights through Confidence: Electoral Politics and Housing Policy Changes in Taiwan (1987-2016)Chih-Hua Tseng, University of California, Irvine.

4. Popular Contentions within and without the Authoritarian Legitimacy: The Case of Taiwan in the 1980sDelin ZHANG, The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology.

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