Thursday, October 31 /
10:00 AM - 11:45 AM
Session 16 Education, Knowledge, and Science in China 1920-2020
Chair: Daniel Little, University of Michigan, Dearborn
Discussant: Qiang Zha, York University
Regional Human Capital Development in China: Comparing 75,000 Elite University Students in Beijing, Guangzhou, and Shanghai, 1912-1952 •
Haozhe Han, Shanghai Jiaotong University.
Social Origins, Education, and Impact of 1700 China-US Physics and Related Science Disciplines PhD Students to the USA, 1979-1989 •
James Z. Lee, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology; Shengbin WEI, HKUST; Dongqian Liu, The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology.
Social Origins, Education, and Impact of 1400 Chinese Boxer Indemnity Scholarship Students to the USA, 1909-1949 •
Chen Liang, Nanjing University; Yueran Hou, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology.
Comparing Medicine and Engineering: The Education and Employment of 50,000 Medical Doctors and Engineers in China, 1905-1950 •
Bamboo Ren, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology.
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Education, Knowledge and Science