Sunday, November 3 / 8:00 AM - 9:45 AM

Session 192
Colonial Legacies in Comparative Perspective

Chair: Benjamin Kaplow, Yale University
Chair: Joseph R Weinger, University of California, Los Angeles

1. Colonial States and the Type of Postcolonial Civil War: A Comparative-Historical Analysis of the British, French, and Spanish EmpiresMatthew Lange, McGill University.

2. Seeing Iraq: Intelligence, State Capacity, and Imperial ControlSam Dunham, Yale University.

3. The Legacies of Settler Sovereignty: Role Collapse and Violent Actors in the Contemporary Occupied TerritoriesJoseph R Weinger, University of California, Los Angeles.

4. (Post) Colonial Lands: Patterns and Consequences of Colonial Settlement and Withdrawal in Rural MoroccoBenjamin Kaplow, Yale University.

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