Sunday, November 3 / 10:00 AM - 11:45 AM Queens Quay 2

Session 200
Consolidating and Subverting Authorities in Asian and Eurasian Empires

Chair: Daniel Pasciuti, Georgia State University

1. Legal Alignment in Disrupted Times: The Fall of the Tsarist Regime and the 1917 Extraordinary Investigation Commission of the Provisional GovernmentLéo P Henry, University of Toronto; Ron Levi, University of Toronto.

2. The Problem of Ottoman De/centralization: Scale, Intermediaries, and State CapacityChoon Hwee Koh, University of California, Los Angeles.

3. Back in Play at the Frontiers of Hegemony: Gilgit-Baltistan in Comparative Historical PerspectiveDaniel Pasciuti, Georgia State University; Shah Zaman, Georgia State University.

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