Sunday, November 3 / 8:00 AM - 9:45 AM

Session 201
Marriage Laws, Sex Positivity, and Negotiations over Bodily Autonomy under Patriarchy

Chair: Martin J. Goessl, Institute of Social Work, University of Applied Sciences JOANNEUM

1. Changes in Marriage and Family in Germany: With Special Reference to the First Amendment to the Reform of Marriage and Family LawWakana BABA, Keio University.

2. The Shift of Lesbian Mothers’ Attitude after Legalizing Same-Sex Marriage in TaiwanYen-Jung Tseng, University at Albany, SUNY.

3. Clinic Narratives of Labiaplasty in Japan: Between Patriarchal Tyranny and Technological PromiseXin Qing, University of Tokyo.

4. The "Anti-Antiporn" Feminist Countermovement, 1983-1985Kess Carpenter, Wilfrid Laurier University.

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 Other sessions on Women, Gender and Sexuality