Thursday, October 31 / 1:15 PM - 3:00 PM

Session 31
Stories and Oral Histories of the Holodomor in the Digital Age

Chair: Mary Jo Maynes, University of Minnesota
Discussant: Catherine Ellis, Department of History, Toronto Metropolitan University

1. “The Stories Our Parents Told Us: Holodomor Survival Stories in the Diaspora and Their Effect on Children of Survivors”Sophia Isajiw, Holodomor Research and Education Consortium at CIUS, University of Alberta.

2. Child Survivors of the Holodomor in Anglophone FictionAnastasia Ulanowicz, University of Florida.

3. The Holodomor in Young Adult and Crossover Historical FictionMateusz Swietlicki, University of Wroclaw.

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 Other sessions on Childhood and Youth