Friday, November 1 / 8:00 AM - 9:45 AM

Session 52
Comparative and Historical State Formation

Chair: Erik Kuhonta, McGill University
Discussant: Erik Kuhonta, McGill University

1. Unpacking the Technopolitics of Privatization in Colombia: The Agrarian Bank and the Transformation of Citizen-State Relations, 1930-2010julián gómez-delgado, the new school for social research.

2. Securing the Countryside: Varieties of Rural State Building in China, Vietnam, Taiwan, and South Korea during the Cold WarKevin Luo, University of Minnesota, Twin Cities.

3. Evolutionary Empire: Demystifying State Formation in Mughal South Asia 1556-1707safya morshed, London School of Economics.

4. Challenging Confucian-Legalist State: The Secret Languages and the Circulations of the Subaltern Knowledge of Politics in Premodern ChinaZhen Wei, University of Edinburgh.

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