Friday, November 1 / 10:00 AM - 11:45 AM Queens Quay 2

Session 64
Commemorating Xiaohong Xu: Historicizing the Cultural Revolution and the Reform

Chair: Yueran Zhang, University of Chicago

1. Suicides during the Cultural Revolution: A Cultural Sociology PerspectiveFei Yan, Tsinghua University.

2. The Rise of Bureaucracy in Concert with the Market: Explaining China’s Reform through Xiaohong Xu’s Theory of OrdoeconomismYingyao Wang, University of Virginia.

3. Polanyi Meets Luxemburg in China: Rethinking Xiaohong Xu’s “Great Separation” Thesis through the Lens of Chinese Workers (1974-1989)Yueran Zhang, University of Chicago.

4. From Factory to Platform: Gender, Labor, and the Human-Machine Reconfiguration in China’s ReformJun Zhou, University of Michigan.

5. Naturalizing "Gui Lv" - the Transformation of CCP's Understanding of the Society during 1977-1979Bolun Zhang, Zhejiang University; Yimang Zhou, University at Albany, State University of New York (SUNY).

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