Friday, November 1 / 10:00 AM - 11:45 AM Dockside 1

Session 70
Theory and Method for Critical Studies II

Chair: Kristin Plys, University of Toronto
Discussant: Mushahid Hussain, Cornell University

1. Learning from the Black Radical Tradition: Theory and Method in Historical SociologyRicarda Hammer, UC Berkeley; José Itzigsohn, Brown University.

2. A Program for Critical Studies of Finance: Revisiting Arrighi’s Theory of FinancializationConrad Jacober, Johns Hopkins University.

3. Ethics of Archives: Improving Historical Social Science Through the Consideration of Research on ViolenceAliza Luft, University of California, Los Angeles.

4. Beyond Cleopatra’s Nose: An Invitation to Dialectical AnalysisSimeon J. Newman, University of Toronto.

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