Friday, November 1 /
10:00 AM - 11:45 AM
Session 71 Knowledge Production, Social Movements and Power in Cities from Asia to Argentina
Vagueness as roadmap? The Singapore Liveability Framework as Sustainable urban Development Blueprint •
Subadevan Boyd-Devan, Brown University.
Mobilizing Expertise: The Role of Social Movements in State Knowledge Production •
Alejandra Cueto, Brown University.
Documenting Changes in Population, Demographic Structure, and Employment in the Smallest Geographic Units during the Period of Accelerated Globalization (2001 to 2011) in Bangladesh •
Saiful Momen, North South University; Nargis Sultana, University of Hawaii at Manoa.
Contesting Dispossession: Eviction Surges, Protest Cycles, and Movement Divergence in India’s Housing Justice Politics •
Liza Weinstein, Northeastern University; Vivek Mishra, Northeastern University.
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