Friday, November 1 / 10:00 AM - 11:45 AM

Session 71
Knowledge Production, Social Movements and Power in Cities from Asia to Argentina

1. Vagueness as roadmap? The Singapore Liveability Framework as Sustainable urban Development BlueprintSubadevan Boyd-Devan, Brown University.

2. Mobilizing Expertise: The Role of Social Movements in State Knowledge ProductionAlejandra Cueto, Brown University.

3. Documenting Changes in Population, Demographic Structure, and Employment in the Smallest Geographic Units during the Period of Accelerated Globalization (2001 to 2011) in BangladeshSaiful Momen, North South University; Nargis Sultana, University of Hawaii at Manoa.

4. Contesting Dispossession: Eviction Surges, Protest Cycles, and Movement Divergence in India’s Housing Justice PoliticsLiza Weinstein, Northeastern University; Vivek Mishra, Northeastern University.

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