Friday, November 1 / 10:00 AM - 11:45 AM

Session 73
Retelling Toronto’s Greek History in the 20th Century; A Transnational and Digital Public History

Chair: Sakis Gekas, York University
Discussant: Russell Kazal, University of Toronto

1. Toronto’s Greek-Language Press and Community Dynamics (1950s-1970s)Alexandros Balasis, York University.

2. A history of Toronto’s Greek transnational and homeland politicsSakis Gekas, York University.

3. Unlocking memory: Oral history, post-war narratives and diasporic identitiesAngelo Laskaris, York University.

4. “Pathways Strewn with Ocean Waves and Thorns”: Toronto’s “Trojan Horse” in the Early 1970sVasilis (Bill) Molos, York University.

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 Other sessions on Migration/Immigration