Thursday, October 31 / 8:00 AM - 9:45 AM Dockside 3

Session 9
Evaluating Data Quality I

Chair: Rick J. Mourits, International Institute of Social History
Discussant: Michail Raftakis, Department of Statistical Sciences - University of Bologna

1. Marriage in the British Courts, 1870-1920: Law, Family, and Digital ArchivesGinger Frost, Samford University.

2. The phantoms of historical family reconstitution: Estimating the population at risk in the historical Krummhoern (East Frisia, Germany) 1720 - 1874.Josep Sottile Perez, deutsch; Kai Willführ, University of Oldenburg.

3. Critical and Positive Issues of Some Italian Sources for the History of Family in the Past (17th-19th Cc.).Maria Federighi, CIRPAS- University of Bari; Giovanna Da Molin, CIRPAS- University of Bari.

4. Last Generations and Households of Stem Family in Southern Europe. A case study of Catalonia (Spain) 19th -20th centuries.Inés Gil Torras, University of Bologna; Joana Maria Pujades Mora, Open University Of Catalonia & Center For Demographic Studies, Universitat Autònoma De Barcelona.

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