Networked Coevolution in Political Cultures

Kerice Doten-Snitker, Santa Fe Institute
Marc Wiedermann, Robert Koch-Institute and Humboldt-University Berlin

Coevolution within political cultures is a credible but undertheorized mechanism for persistence and divergence. Cultures are the weight of social knowledge, informing about how to act; cultures culminate from information held across social networks. Focusing on political networks, we investigate the coevolution of political decision-making in medieval Europe. We apply network methods to relational data on medieval cities and governing elites, alongside their political institutions. We use a community detection algorithm to cluster cities into political communities based on elite networks and then explore the coherence of political behavior within communities as well as their divergence from sample-wide trends. Some political communities evidence distinctive governing practices, while others follow general trends. Local political cultures contributed to variation in political development.

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 Presented in Session 40. Political Elites