Thursday, October 31 / 3:15 PM - 5:00 PM

Session 40
Boundaries of Qing Frontier Politics: Shamanism, Property Right, and Inner Barrier

Chair: Ji Li, University of Hong Kong
Discussant: Ji Li, University of Hong Kong

1. Taming the Wild as Family Enterprise: Mobility, Lineage, and Property of the Hanjun Bannermen in LiaodongShuang Chen, University of Iowa.

2. Smoldering Shrines: The Religion-Making of the Early Manchu State and the Shamanic Purges of Northeast AsiaStephen Garrett, University of Pennsylvania.

3. Kokandi Traders, Kirghiz Robbers, and Qing Law in the Qianlong Period (1736-95)Jaymin Kim, Rice University.

4. The Forgotten Green Great Wall: The Willow Palisade in Manchuria during the Qing PeriodYuanchong Wang, University of Delaware.

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