Friday, November 1 / 8:00 AM - 9:45 AM Queens Quay 1

Session 49
Comparative and Historical State Formation

Chair: Erik Kuhonta, McGill University
Discussant: Erik Kuhonta, McGill University

1. Unpacking the Technopolitics of Privatization in Colombia: The Agrarian Bank and the Transformation of Citizen-State Relations, 1930-2010julián gómez-delgado, the new school for social research.

2. Securing the Countryside: Varieties of Rural State Building in China, Vietnam, Taiwan, and South Korea during the Cold WarKevin Luo, University of Minnesota, Twin Cities.

3. Challenging Confucian-Legalist State: The Secret Languages and the Circulations of the Subaltern Knowledge of Politics in Premodern ChinaZhen Wei, University of Edinburgh.

4. The Development of Local Public Finance System in DenmarkKurachi Shintaro, Meiji University.

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